Chocolate Pocky

Chocolate pocky was the first pocky ever sold in 1966. This is the classic pocky, biscuit sticks dipped in chocolate, the common of all pocky.

Almond Pocky

Almond pocky came after the Chocolate one in 1971. Fermentative roast pretzels and rich almond cream create a new type of pocky, called the Almond Pocky. They are pretzel sticks dipped in almond - delicious combo.

Strawberry Pocky

The strawberry pocky came after the Almond pocky of about 5 years. It was found in 1977.

Men's Pocky

Men's pocky are crispy pretzel dipped in dark chocolate.

Giant Pocky: Double Chocolate

The Giant Pocky: Double Chocolate is the same as the Giant Pocky, but only with more chocolatey goodness.

Little Pocky: Chocolate

This little pocky are itty bitty baby pockies, their smaller than the originals.

Black Bitter Marble Pocky.

This black bitter marble pocky has bitter black chocolate with small lines of white chocolate.

Cream Brule/Flan Pocky

This flavor smells like creme brule, tastes a bit butterscotch flavoured. It's a very interesting flavor.

Marron Pocky

Marron pocky tastes like chestnuts. Creamy chestnut flavouring with bits of chestnuts included.

Purely White Decorer Pocky

Someone took a pocky stick, put it in wedding cake frosting, and then used a Milton cake decoration tool to make this. It's like eating cake frosting on a stick. Yummmy..!!


Pikey. This is small salted sticks about two inches long, which look like they have been dipped in chocolate up an inch. Odd taste because the salt over powers the sweet, and the cookie stick has no flavour.